I'm soo happy right now.. I'm level 12 right now.. just by voting on this thing.. and you know what? ANYWAY THIS SUCKS.. I VOTED 5 .. >=(
I'm soo happy right now.. I'm level 12 right now.. just by voting on this thing.. and you know what? ANYWAY THIS SUCKS.. I VOTED 5 .. >=(
Believe it or not that actually made me feel emotion. Flash usually doesn't do that for me, heh.
Well i did need something short and touching :)
this review
is nothing short of fellatio
gud movie
reviewing this.
ok this isnt just to you but to all the 420 SMOKE WEED WHOOOOO faggots, GET YOUR OWN IDEA'S this basically was a Cheech and Chong rip off with the music and the general feel of it. All you guys seem to do is take others people idea and put a joint on it, (which was just one persons semi okay idea that you all just ripped off) im sure this review will just get deleted and me banned becasue you seem to have some kind of deal that any garbage you make will be protected and on the front page so i jsut want u to read this and hopfully it will spark you making your own creative and original work.
what in the fuck are you talking about
I was blown away.
good stuff
fuck all you haters.
You tell em mang!
Age 93, Female
Joined on 3/20/06